tisdag 10 april 2012

so what on earth have I been up to?!

I know. I have been away for way too long. And, as always, the longer you put something up, the more difficult it is to get started again. So, here goes:

I am actually so happy to be writing here again. I didn't realize until this very moment that I have actually missed it. I have been busy, you see. Doing what, exactly? Well, a number of things. Procrastinating as usual, of course. But not only that. I have been here:

It is in Scania, the south part of Sweden were my father and his wife live. It looks so grey and dull, I know. It was mist season... A whole week running around outside, working in the garden. Oh, and I drove a tractor! Yay! It was on my list of things I would most like to do thus year, so I payed a visit to the farmer next door and asked if I could try out driving his tractor and he said yes. He looked somewhat worried when he found out I don't have a drivers lisence, but didn't change his mind. It was just as fun as I had hoped.

I have also been doing some agonizing. Since I don't have a job, and I need to start making some moolah before beginning of september. Yes, I believe it is important to start in good time. Agonizing I mean. The jobsearching is a bit slower to start.

And finally, I have worked on a surprise I am launching on april then 26:th. Well, I am probably not going to keep it a secret until then. Since I am now also on Facebook, you can read about it there :). Or in my newsletter that I will start sending out soon. If I can figure out how to do it. No matter how user friendly these tech things may be, I tend to need an eternity to understand how to do it and then do it. Hmmm.


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