söndag 22 april 2012

guestblogging. oh, and an illustration.

Today I am over at www.karinas-inner-space.blogspot.com, writing my first guestpost ever! She is one of my fellow sisters at the goddess circle,. This is a wonderful community where you can meet creative and/or entrepreneurial women from all over the world. Or just simply kind, genereous souls. I love being part of the circle and totally recommend joining. Follow the link on the right (a circle of sisters waiting for you) to check it out. If you find it is something for you and you decide to join via my link, Leonie, the creator of the circle, may send me a generous thank you.

Anyway, I also met Karina, who is also swedish, although she lives in France, for a long cup of coffee the other week, and she is a lovely person and I am so happy she wanted me to write something for her blog.

And now to something completely different....

The first illustration is finished! I think.

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