lördag 14 april 2012

picture in progress.

I'm reading a book - about how to create a life that allows for creativity and artmaking. Hopefully I'll get down to writing a review when I'm done. One thing the author writes about is how you can see different "types" of creative persons. Few are just one of these types, most of us are a mixture of several. I am not going to delve into that right now - but attached to these accounts of the types were exercises especially made up to suit that kind of personality.

And one of the types, that are part of who I am - came with the exercise to make something, but not finish it at once. Just make a layer, or a part, and then leave it till next day. Make another part or layer and leave it again.

So, I am currently working on a sort of painting, collage, mixed media thing. It started like this:

Actually I did this a while ago. The first time I painted in years. For some reason I have felt that it is so grand to paint and I've just been doing these more "simple" illustrations instead. But one day I decided to take out the brushes and paint again and just give it a try. It was so much fun. I loved painting again. Then I looked at the picture. And I decided I hated it. And I hid it. But when I came across this exercise I decided the painting was perfect for it, and added a layer.

As you can see it is more than one layer. For some reason I didn't understand it's a perfect project for the blog until this evening. So what have I done? I painted more blue and white the first day. Then the day after I ended up with a pile of small pieces of yarn that I glued on. Next day, I hated the yarn and started tearing it of. Then I decided I liked it again, so let some :). Then I dripped som blue paint on the yarn. And today I glued on torn pieces of notepad paper. And now I have to wait until tomorrow to continue...


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