torsdag 24 maj 2012

Robin's Playground week five.

Time is moving so fast. And so slow at the same time.

I am desperatly seeking a job. Got a couple of turndowns today. And a couple of new possible contacts.

I am desperatly seeking sleep. As in several hours of sleep in a row. Deep sleep. Uninterupted.

I am desperatly seeking time. To do all these things that I want to. Being a mother to my children - and not just transporting them around and giving them food when hungry. Sending applications. Drawing. Singing. Writing. Networking. Blogging. There is not enough of it.

And just a minute ago I was desperatly seeking my list of ideas for projects at this Playground. Gone, oh no!

Wouldn't it be nice to have a magic wand to sweep around and stop time/make children sleep nice and sound/find lost papers? And there it is: This week the task shall be to make a magic wand.

Maybe we should also make a little bit about what we would use it for.

Actually it doesn't have to be a wand. It can be anything you feel would be magic bearing to you. Such as a rime, or a rythm, or a symbol, a shield, something.

What is magical to you?
In what ways are you magical?
In what areas of your life do you feel you would need some magic?
How would it change things?
What could you do today to add some magic to your life or to celebrate the magic in LIFE?


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