onsdag 21 december 2011

where to?

I have been thinking about this blog today. I have a growing feeling that I want to make something more of it than it is right now. To solely use it as an incentive to create is no longer necessary. I have managed to tap into my underground stream of creativity, and I do a little bit of creating every day. Also, a number of the things I'm doing right now are a bit more longterm. I have reported a little bit on my knitting project, and I'll tell all about the other projects when I feel ready. It's a little bit too soon yet. I don't know about you, but my experience is that if I talk too much too soon about an idea or a project it looses some of its' potency to me.
So about this blog. I want to get in here and write more often. Given that my children allow me the time of course =). One thing that has interested me for a long time now is other peoples' passions, and I have long wanted to interview people about their greatest passions. I pictured it like an almost impossible book project, but now I figured why not do it here? My passion obviosly is creative activity and I might try the questions out on myself first and give you my answers first ;). Do you have a passion you would like to share or be interviewed about?
Lot's of love and light to all of you, and have a happy solstice tomorrow if I don't pop in here then!

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