lördag 17 december 2011


I've been doing some thinking and planning for the year to come. Every year I tell myself I should do it, and I have never gotten round to until now. Amongst other things I wrote a loooong list of thins big and small I would like to have done come new year 2012. One of the bigger things, which encompasses most of the other things is this:

In the year of 2012 I'm going to give my creativity dreams a real go. I am going to try and make a living of them. I have said these words before. Not out loud like this. I've whispered them to myself silently enough for me to be able to say that, no, I didn't really say it, not really. Still, it's just words, so the most important theme in 2012 I shall try to make action. Not just dream - do!

So hopefully I'll be able to by and by report on how to get hold of little beatiful things I make if you would like to :). I have started the creating bit, after lots of trouble deciding where to begin... Ideas have never lacked me, but to finish things is harder for me, and the mere thought of selling something I made honestly scares the sh-t out of me! But now I've made it official, so now I have to be brave, right?

What are your big and/or small dreams for 2012?

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