lördag 21 april 2012

a quick tip.

I am sorry that I don't make it here everyday. It is my intention nowadays. Coming here to write a few words is growing into a nice little moment that I have to do something for myself. Gather my thoughts, check in on my creative journey and so. Right now, I have my son wriggling on my lap, asking to watch the alphabet song - oh, now he gave up and ran off with his goggles (made of toiletrolls, painted and waiting to be put together somehow. Glue didn't work, neither did staples, hmmmm...). Oh, here he is back again. "The little spider is going to sit with big spider!"

And so it is. I know there are so many parents out there. Just as I am, they are struggling to have some sort of creative, artistic process going. But how, oh how? Also, I know there are so many people not really having the courage to try drawing or painting or singing out. Because they have been told they are not good enough at it, because it is not useful or whatever... Here is a little tip for all of you, if you want it:

I easily get blocked in different ways, so I have come up with a couple of things to unblock. This is one. If you are a parent, for example - when your children has been painting, and you have like two minutes to clear up before you need to take care of the next activity or disaster (some days, really...). Then just take one of the pieces of paper that is still not painted on and use the excess paint to make whatever during those few seconds you have. Because you don't have time, you can't think, and because you don't have a choice of which colour or how much of it to use, you are forced to just do something. It's very freeing. A lot of the time, I just make different patches of colour that don't look like anything at all, but still it feels nice to move that brush!

Here's one I did the day before yesterday:

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