onsdag 18 april 2012

I remind myself 2.

When I was somewhere around twenty years old I went to an exhibition of Miró. I was blasted away.
It changed my way of looking, not only at art, but life itself. First because I was so happy (read stomach full of bubbles popping and bouncing, giggly, biiiig smile on face) that art could look like that, and people would respect it, like it and even put it in a gallery. It was so funfilled, surprising, sometimes "simple" (probably just to the uneducated eye - how simple it is will probably reveal itself quickly once one tries to do something similar oneself. As I discovered. = actually not simple at all, hehe). And then there was this quote. When asked about inspiration, he simply said that he got inspired by everything. That inspiration is everywhere. Everything can be turned into art, if one only knows how to look at it.

I think this is one of the most positive things I have ever heard anyone say. To see the world like that - an immense treasurebox. Everything can be wonderful. Everything is valuable. Our perspective can change any dull thing into a masterpiece. And so when I feel low or the drudge of the everyday threatens to drag med down into feelings of hopelessness and such I try to remember this:


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