måndag 23 april 2012

introducing my new plant friends.

Six new friends of mine.
One of the things most important to me and for my health (and sanity), is to keep a close relationship to nature. So when I suddenly got the opportunity to cultivate an elottment right outside my door, for free (it's true, a piece of land for free in the middle of the city!), I was oh, so excited. Since I got it late may and my belly pretty much prevented me from doing anything at all but lay on the sofa or waddle around trying to keep pace with my son, nothing much grew there last year. But this year I have plans! Look at the pea sprouts, and the beans! 

Nature truly is the greatest artist of us all, and I can't wait to see these beauties grow and change. If I don't kill them first. Some people have green fingers. I have black. But maybe this time.... I do so want to learn how to grow things. 

If your soul is aching, or you feel detached to the world - plant a seed. Plant cress. The easiest thing in the world, and they are beautiful and taste really nice. I would have posted a picture of them to if I had not managed to somehow kill the seeds.

Oh, and it's getting closer. Robin's Playground starts on thursday. Eeeeek! It's going to be great. Pop in here to check it out, or sign up for my newsletter and follow it via mail.


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