lördag 28 juli 2012


I have been silent here for many more days than I thought I would.
I have been thinking about you and this place everyday though.
It seems like summer just grabs hold of me with all its' outdoor loveliness.
We are now by the see, and I am totally enchanted with all the marvellous stones the beach is covered in.
I want to pick up each and every one and look at it.
I especially love the huge amount of pieces of fossile to be found here. I love looking at them, their beautiful pattern. I love feeling them, weighing them in my hand, imagining a beach covered in huge insects scuffling about their business.
To feel time, physically, in my hands.
And to be reminded of how short my own time on earth is. How precious I ought to hold it.

How fantastic this planet is that we inhabit.
How I ought to worship and honour it in every possible way.
And enjoy it.

How grateful I can be.
For everything.

All my love to you!

fredag 20 juli 2012

just a few images.

This afternoon we got back to Stockholm, the kids and I. After a looooong drive of six hours. We had a really nice stay with my father and his wife and I have so many sweet images I would like to share with you. I am übertired, so I will give you only a glimpse now, and you'll see more later.

Missy L. picking her first black currants (notice standing posture, she is walking!)

Young Master S. throwing pebbles and stones in the brook and contemplating the Ocean.

I love them so much.

I wish you many happy or wonderful or explorative or loving or soothing or developing (to learn) days around your loved ones. Or all of the above adjectives!


fredag 13 juli 2012


I have this really strong impulse to take selfportraits right now. Portraits of parts of me. Fragments. I have been feeling a bit embarassed about it, as if I ought to be ashamed to want to picture myself. As if these fragments are too banal, too poorly executed. That I am such an amateur and why would anybody want to look at it.

And then I had this conversation with my sister. And she said that she understood the lack of connection I sometimes feel nowadays since I always get interrupted and have to get up and take care of something. She said she thought my existence must feel so fragmented.

And of course that is it.
My need to take pictures of parts of me are of course a way to put my feeling of fragmentisation out into the world. I just had to laugh out loud at how well she nailed it down :).

And allthough the word has negative connotations, taking the pictures make me feel happy and a bit more hole. So I will continue.

This last pictures is of marks baby L has given me. She bites!

I will be going away with the kids for a week to visit my father and his wife and I don't know if I will be able to post in during that week. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to do some textile art that B is fabulous at. If I don't get to talk to you, then take care and have a great week!

All my love to you!

torsdag 5 juli 2012


It took abslutely forever, but now it's done.

Nothing special. Just a little "thingy". I meant to make it available as a PDF, but since I don't know how to do that yet, I decided to post it in the form of a number of images here. I think it's a cartoon.

I read a tiny e-book about finishing projects, riding the wild donkey, just get things done, by Leonie Dawson, and found it highly inspirational. Download it here if you want to. It's free. She completes projects like this one in a couple of hours. It took me a couple of weeks (mister P just a little bit irritated at watercolours, pencils and papers floating about in the apartment for over a month...).

The colours didn't come out great, but here you go!

All my love!