onsdag 30 maj 2012

Robin's Playground. Week six.

I so regret having lost the paper where I wrote down all the ideas I had for prompts. Because now when I sit here and need to write this post my mind goes blank.

I'll just wait a second.

What has been going on in my mind and life this week? A lot about stress. A lot about being a mother. One word that has been popping up in my head for longer than just this week is care. I need to care for my family. I need to care for myself in order to be able to do so. And what is this "care"? Now that I'm writing to you I get this image in my head of a nest to crawl up into that is soft and cradles me. Maybe we should do that!

This weeks task/challenge/prompt is hereby called:

A mother's nest.

As in a nest for the mama. Where she can feel cared for and rest and fill up on inspiration. Or get wild and feel free. Or... What do you need to care for yourself? If you don't have any children you still probably have other persons or projects, or maybe animals that you feel responsible for, love and wish to see grow and that you want to nurture... What do you need to make the mama aspect of yourself feel cared for so that she can be the best mama to whatever needs mothering in your life?

Maybe a sculpture this week? Or a soundcave? Maybe one of those boxes where you stick your hand in and feel different textures? Hmmm. Possibilities are plenty!

Here is a picture of where I would place my nest:


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