lördag 18 februari 2012

the dreams that have come true.

They seem so slow in coming true, my dreams. I have so many ideas, some of which totally set me on fire. But it is slow, oh indeed. To the point I am thinking: maybe this is illusion. Maybe I am just running around thinking about getting somewhere, but actually remaining at the exact same point.
Not true of course.
I just need to remember those dreams that I actually allready have made come true (random order):

I went to an actingschool.

I've been in two professional plays.

I went to India, hurrah!

I jumped out of a plane and did a skydive, woooooo!

I gave birth to two beautiful, healthy babies.

I met my dream man.

I participated in an amateur play after years of longing for acting.

I travelled with my sister (to Israel).

Me and my friend the operasinger had a concert in a church in the old city (Stabat Mater of Pergolesi).

Started my own business.

I went on a sunny, funny holiday with my love. In Thailand. And there I met elephants :).

So, dreams do come true. And they are not the last ones I am sure!

What are your dreams? What dreams have come true for you?


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