måndag 28 november 2011

project begin erase.

A small but important step closer to actually being able to make this text appear on stage:I now have a choreografer! Hooooray! We met at my place the other evening and I explained the ideas I have of the meaning of the text. It was a real challenge to do so in a way that can be clearly understood by someone other than me. And inspiring too! It feels so good to enter into a creative process in which I am not alone. To discuss and to learn. To let this text now slowly come to life.
I am also very excited I am going to learn some dancing!

tisdag 22 november 2011

close. distant. part two.

I'm reading a book. It's a short one and I hardly ever have time to read in it, but I am reading. And it got me thinking. It's a book by Stephane Hessel - Indignez-vouz! in french, I don't know the title in english. Even though I haven't read all about it, I felt I wanted to write a little something here, since the subject is so important. Monsieur Hessel is a man who has been through a lot in his long life, and who has fought hard for human values. He was one of the men who formulated the Human Rights. And he is exasperated to look at the way the world is being shaped, and how indifferent we are in front of it. Refugees that are treated like criminals, extremely wealthy powerful people argumenting why they should have more and the poor less. The list goes on. And I can't help but think of it a little bit in the terms that I wrote about here:
It may not be the exact same thing, but don't you agree that there is a sort of "stream" or "value" or "way of living" that promotes distancing ourselvesfrom eachother that has been going on for a while now? When I look around I see so much focus on surface. You can't go anywhere without being compelled to buy, buy, buy stuff. And a large part of the culture we are fed seems to have no content, no purpose except to make us forget the present for a while. This can be all good, and I like that kind of culture too, but sometimes it seems so much in majority compared to other things. It's like we live only for the surface of our lives. How do I look (fashion industry fiercly claiming to be "proper" culture with depth and meaning (some of it is, but most of it...) is quite interesting, don't you think?)? How does my home look? What things (as in items) do I want in my life? And that seems to be it. You seldom get any further. Is all this an elongement of those fears I wrote about? That we cannot be close, because then we might get rejected, and we cannot be distant, because we fear being alone. If we leave the surface and look for meaning, truth, relation instead of consumation, we might face some pain and agony. Because the world is in many ways suffering. Many people are severely suffering. And many other persons are committing atrocious actions. And all of those persons are in some meaning people just like ourselves. I sure understand all this. I go to the surface to escape having to face that pain in my everyday life. Like everyone else.
Reading Hessels book makes me feel I shouldn't.
And that, I think, is a good thing. The next, much more difficult step, is to figure out what to do. Not so easy.
I do however feel that culture hasan important role to play here. Through the arts we can get in touch with sides of ourselves that we don't in our ordinary everyday lives. We can also experience understanding and get close to people, places and phenomena or actions that we normally feel a large distance to. And this may create bridges. Possibilities to experience The Other as a You, not an It, as Buber might have put it. So for one thing, I feel I need to further explore how I can encourage people to dare be creative, and fight for everybody's right to experience a variety of cultural expression - like actually reading some of the classics in school - they have so much t teach us!
What do you think about all of this?
Love and light to all of you!

tisdag 15 november 2011

A gorgeous day.

It's midnovember and the sun is shining! The Sun Is Shining. I cannot emphasize this enough, how beautiful it is that the trees still have leaves, that the leaves that have fallen are still yellow and spread out over green grass. In Sweden, midnovember. Ahhh...
Of course I took advantage of this marvellouseness and went outside in the morning with the little one. She had a gorgeous nap and I a gorgeous coffee, read and knit. And she then allowed me to yoga for a bit while watching happily. Gorgeous day indeed!
I am working on some longterm stuff - one of them being the shawl I've told you about earlier. The base for water/ocean, tree/forest and fire/sun are now completed. On to stone/mineral/mountain :)!
I wish you all plenty of gorgeous days!!

onsdag 9 november 2011

Lost at sea.

Sometimes, like for example today, I feel like I am no longer sure what it is that my dream really is. So, I want to create. But what does that mean in my everyday life? I draw a painting every now and then and knit a bit? it doesn't feel like that is what it's supposed to be. It should be something more, but what exactly? Live and work as a multiartist, sure, I've said it allready. But what does that mean for me? I don't have the skills, I don't have the network, surely I can't live that dream. And to face the truth: I have never worked as any kind of artist. How do I know that that dream is real? Or that I deserve to have it?
And where do I want to live? This question bothers me a lot right now. I picture myself in a house near forest and sea, with rooms all inspiring me and my loved ones, a fire burning, something homemade cooking in the kitchen. But I have never lived in a house, never lived in the countryside, so how do I now wether this dream is actually what I want?
I feel like I'm floating around without safe ground under my feet those days, like I'm being blown about. And then I figured it would be nice to picture it being a friendly sister breathing at the ship my life is, making me go on a rollercoaster waveride for a bit.

måndag 7 november 2011

Woman in fish.

I'm so sorry my photos are so crappy... It obviously is not my primary medium. Anyway. I decided to finally make a "real" picture from one of my scetches - and here it is, a couple of days later. I had such a good moment today, when my son was at daycare and my daughter asleep. I lit a candle, poored some coffee and brought out the stuff - yipee!
And I feel ridicilously proud over the result. Or just the fact that there is a result. I took the time to do something that makes me happy and that ought to make one happy and proud, no?
I think I named the series of scetches Walking the Undergrounds, because they are from the period in my life when I studied psychology and went through the mandatory therapy. Like walking the undergrounds of your mind. And I like it. I feel inspired to do some more creative stuff. And it makes me curious about what other persons' images of there Undergrounds would look like!